Nп/п : 68 из 100
 От   : Dusty Track                         2:5075/128        13 сен 23 13:13:22
 К    : All                                                   13 сен 23 23:15:01
 Тема : Romanian football fans chant "Kosovo is Serbia"
<5b331153-3293-4ffd-9f85-f60f840c379cn@googlegroups.com> 70e8aa31
@REPLYADDR Dusty Track <trackdusty@yahoo.com.au>
@REPLYTO 2:5075/128 Dusty Track
@CHRS: CP866 2
@RFC: 1 0
@TZUTC: -0700
@PID: G2/1.0
@TID: FIDOGATE-5.12-ge4e8b94
 SBS Australia showed it on the news. How come Kosovo has its own
football team? It is not recognized by the U N as a independent country.
The players should (if good enough) be playing for Serbia. F F S NATO
seems to be hell bent on dividing everywhere, from Lybia to Kosovo. It
is divide and rule--the British empire made an art out of it.

--- G2/1.0
 * Origin: usenet.network (2:5075/128)
SEEN-BY: 5001/100 5005/49 5015/255 5019/40 5020/715
848 1042 4441 12000
SEEN-BY: 5030/49 1081 5058/104 5075/128
@PATH: 5075/128 5020/1042 4441

   GoldED+ VK   │                                                 │   09:55:30    
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