@MSGID: 46395.fido-cooking@1:3634/12 2ba5116b
@REPLY: 1:18/200@fidonet 668ba381
@TZUTC: -0500
@PID: Synchronet 3.18a-Linux May 23 2020 GCC
@TID: SBBSecho 3.11-Linux r3.173 May 23 2020 GCC
-=> Sean Dennis wrote to Shawn Highfield <=-
SH> Why is it most people in the USA don`t use the $2 bill? Here we`ve
SH> always used them (well it`s been a coin for decades).
SD> There are few $2 bills in circulation. You can buy a box of 100 $2
SD> bills directly from the US Treasury, IIRC.
My bank stocks them. They used to be common near horse racing faciities.
With my buying rolls of dollar coins, half-dollars and U$2 bills I`m
known to the tellers as "The Funny Money guy". Bv)=
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Cheap & Easy Bean & Hominy Stew
Categories: Stews, Lo fat, Beans, Chilies
Yield: 5 Servings
15 oz Can hominy
15 oz Can pinto beans
15 oz Can garbanzo beans
15 oz Can kidney beans
6 oz Can tomato sauce
1 pk Chilli or taco seasoning
Mix and heat. Occasionally I`ll add half a package of
tempeh (sp?) if I`m feeling a bit rich. And yes, you
can live off of the stew for quite a while. :)
Recipe By:
gypsy@nmt.edu (Helga or Olga)
Uncle Dirty Dave`s Archives
... If God wanted mr to touch my toes She would have put them on my knees.
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