Nп/п : 23 из 74
От : Gerrit Kuehn 2:240/12 12 июл 24 13:49:06
К : Ward Dossche 12 июл 24 22:29:01
Тема : Re: Pre-announcement of absence
@MSGID: 2:240/12 668fd817
@REPLY: 2:292/854 11321a47
@TZUTC: 0200
@TID: hpt/fbsd 1.9 2021-12-02
Hello Ward!
12 Jul 24 10:44, Ward Dossche wrote to Carol Shenkenberger:
WD> Kids these days have a hard time understanding the difference between
WD> `knowing their shit` and `knowing they`re shit`.
Every generation of elder people have been complaining about this
for centuries if not simply forever.
WD> teacher asserted that Columbus on his voyage to the west made a stop
WD> at the Galapagos islands ... when I told him "wrong ocean" he set me
WD> straight.
Interesting, although anecdotic. I wonder how the guy (the teacher,
not Columbus) got there. Maybe he just inferred this from the fact that
the islands had been named "Columbus Archipelago" before?
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