FIDO-REQ----------------- < Пред. | След. > -- < @ > -- < Сообщ. > -- < Эхи > --
 Nп/п : 3 из 100
 От   : Ragnarok                            4:902/26          01 июл 24 06:52:02
 К    : all                                                   01 июл 24 12:54:02
 Тема : Nuevos archivos - Dock Sud BBS [07/2024]
@MSGID: 110600.fidonetfido-req@4:902/26 2ae9624a
@TZUTC: -0300
@PID: Synchronet 3.20a-Linux master/aabef5821 jun 15
202 GCC 10.2.1
@TID: SBBSecho 3.20-Linux master/aabef5821 jun 15
2024 01:38 GCC 10.2.1
   ______           _      _____           _  ____________  _____           
   |  _  \\         | |    /  ___|         | | | ___ \\ ___ /  ___|          
   | | | |___   ___| | __ \\ `--. _   _  __| | | |_/ / |_/ /\\ `--.           
  | | | / _ \\ / __| |/ / `--. \\ | | |/ _` | | ___ \\ ___
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   | |/ / (_) | (__|   <  /\\__/ / |_| | (_| | | |_/ / |_/ //\\__/ /          
  |___/ \\___/ \\___|_|\\_\\ \\____/ \\__,_|\\__,_| \\____/\\____/
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|  \\| |_   _  _____   _____  ___  / /_\\ \\_ __ ___| |__  ___   _____  ___ 
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| |\\  | |_| |  __/\\ V / (_) \\__ \\ | | | | | | (__| | | | |\\ V / (_) \\__ 
 \\_| \\_/\\__,_|\\___| \\_/ \\___/|___/ \\_| |_/_| \\___|_| |_|_| \\_/

   [teLNet/wWW/iRc/nNtp] [HQ ZudakaNet|AmigaNet] 
[ftn: 4:902/26 39:943/0 618:500/45 21:2/151 46:10/182] [qwk: DOCKSUD]
  --->>( Te atiende Todos los dias las 24HS, aunque llueva )>>--  

Main            Basurero de archivos                     Files: 95
MINDIFF.Z59     593 Micronet Information Network nodediff for                 
                  | Micronet Information Network nodediff for
                  | 7 June 2024 (day 159).
MINBINKD.Z59   1.8K Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist               
                  | Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
                  | for 7 June 2024 (day 159).
MINDIFF.Z66     594 Micronet Information Network nodediff for                 
                  | Micronet Information Network nodediff for
                  | 14 June 2024 (day 166).
MINBINKD.Z66   1.8K Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist               
                  | Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
                  | for 14 June 2024 (day 166).
MINDIFF.Z73     594 Micronet Information Network nodediff for                 
                  | Micronet Information Network nodediff for
                  | 21 June 2024 (day 173).
MINBINKD.Z73   1.8K Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist               
                  | Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
                  | for 21 June 2024 (day 173).
MINDIFF.Z80     593 Micronet Information Network nodediff for                 
                  | Micronet Information Network nodediff for
                  | 28 June 2024 (day 180).
MINBINKD.Z80   1.8K Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist               
                  | Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
                  | for 28 June 2024 (day 180).

Fidonet         Echo lists                               Files: 93
ELST2406.ZIP 135.3K Zip`d Echo list archive created Monthly                   
                  | This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
                  | archive for the Fidonet network.
                  | it includes complete information of all
                  | echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
                  | echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
                  | if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
                  | files in (ERULyymm.ZIP). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
                  | is now included. If other nets are present,
                  | then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
                  | also present. FIDONet EList v5.4 is
                  | (c) 2019-2024 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
                  | 2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)
                  | Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
                  | 2:25/21  and these must be done every twelve
                  | months or sooner.

Fidonet         Fidonet News                             Files: 220
FNEWTF23.ZIP  12.6K The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#23 for Jun. 03, 2024          
                  | FIDONEWS    03 Jun 2024    Vol 41 No 23
                  | The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
                  | CONTENTS: 
                  | *
                  | * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
                  | * Statistics from the Fidoweb
                  | * Nodelist Stats
                  | * How to Submit an Article
                  | * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
FNEWTF24.ZIP  12.6K The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#24 for Jun. 10, 2024          
                  | FIDONEWS    10 Jun 2024    Vol 41 No 24
                  | The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
                  | CONTENTS: 
                  | *
                  | * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
                  | * Statistics from the Fidoweb
                  | * Nodelist Stats
                  | * How to Submit an Article
                  | * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
FNEWTF25.ZIP  12.6K The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#25 for Jun. 17, 2024          
                  | FIDONEWS    17 Jun 2024    Vol 41 No 25
                  | The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
                  | CONTENTS: 
                  | *
                  | * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
                  | * Statistics from the Fidoweb
                  | * Nodelist Stats
                  | * How to Submit an Article
                  | * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
FNEWTF26.ZIP  12.6K The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#26 for Jun. 24, 2024          
                  | FIDONEWS    24 Jun 2024    Vol 41 No 26
                  | The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
                  | CONTENTS: 
                  | *
                  | * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
                  | * Statistics from the Fidoweb
                  | * Nodelist Stats
                  | * How to Submit an Article
                  | * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
FNEWTF27.ZIP  12.6K The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#27 for Jul. 01, 2024          
                  | FIDONEWS    01 Jul 2024    Vol 41 No 27
                  | The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
                  | CONTENTS: 
                  | *
                  | * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
                  | * Statistics from the Fidoweb
                  | * Nodelist Stats
                  | * How to Submit an Article
                  | * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability

Micronet        Micronet Nodelists (read only)           Files: 51
MICRONET.Z59   8.2K Micronet Information Network nodelist for                 
                  | Micronet Information Network nodelist for
                  | 7 June 2024 (day 159).
MICRONET.Z66   8.2K Micronet Information Network nodelist for                 
                  | Micronet Information Network nodelist for
                  | 14 June 2024 (day 166).
MICRONET.Z73   8.2K Micronet Information Network nodelist for                 
                  | Micronet Information Network nodelist for
                  | 21 June 2024 (day 173).
MICRONET.Z80   8.2K Micronet Information Network nodelist for                 
                  | Micronet Information Network nodelist for
                  | 28 June 2024 (day 180).

HobbyNet        Nodelist                                 Files: 30
HOBBYNET.159   8.6K HOBBYNET.159                                              
                  | HobbyNet Nodelist Day 159
HOBBYNET.166   8.2K HOBBYNET.166                                              
                  | HobbyNet Nodelist Day 166
HOBBYNET.173   8.2K HOBBYNET.173                                              
                  | HobbyNet Nodelist Day 173
265K bytes in 21 files
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
 * Origin: Dock Sud BBS - (4:902/26)
SEEN-BY: 50/109 88/0 90/1 221/1 6 240/1120 301/1
113 335/364 341/66 200
SEEN-BY: 460/58 467/888 880/1 902/26 3634/12
5000/111 5001/100 5005/49
SEEN-BY: 5019/40 5020/715 848 1042 4441 12000
5030/49 1081 1474 5054/8
SEEN-BY: 5060/900 5061/133 5075/128 5083/444
@PATH: 902/26 341/66 301/1 5020/1042 4441

   GoldED+ VK   │                                                 │   09:55:30    
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