Nп/п : 32 из 100
От : Gerrit Kuehn 2:240/12 01 ноя 24 09:31:42
К : BjЎrn Felten 01 ноя 24 14:14:01
Тема : FidoNews 41:44 [01/07]: General Articles
@MSGID: 2:240/12 66f85874
@REPLY: 2:203/2 67240a4c
@TZUTC: 0100
@TID: hpt/fbsd 1.9 2021-12-02
Hello BjЎrn!
31 Oct 24 23:53, BjЎrn Felten wrote to Gerrit Kuehn:
BF> I`m sorry, but I can`t
You don`t want to.
BF> You mean like spending hours each week for almost 24 years now,
BF> making sure that the Fidonews comes out like clockwork?
I`m pretty sure you know what I mean.
... 9:31AM up 135 days, 3:44, 6 users, load averages: 0.89, 0.68, 0.65
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: Shock to the System (2:240/12)
SEEN-BY: 50/109 103/705 124/5016 153/757 154/10 30
203/0 221/0 1 240/12 1120
SEEN-BY: 240/1512 1634 5832 8001 8002 8005 8010
8050 280/464 5003 5006 5555
SEEN-BY: 291/111 292/854 8125 301/1 303/0 310/31
313/41 335/364 341/66 234
SEEN-BY: 362/6 371/0 396/45 419/802 423/120
450/1024 452/166 460/58 463/68
SEEN-BY: 467/888 492/0 530/204 550/278 633/280
712/848 770/1 5000/111 5005/49
SEEN-BY: 5015/46 5020/400 545 715 830 846 1042
4441 12000 5023/24 5030/49
SEEN-BY: 5030/1081 1474 5053/51 55 58 5054/8
5058/104 5060/900 5061/133
SEEN-BY: 5068/45 5075/35 128 5083/1 444
@PATH: 240/12 1120 280/464 5555 5020/1042 4441