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От : Rob Swindell 1:103/705 08 ноя 24 01:19:13
К : jimmylogan 08 ноя 24 12:21:01
Тема : Re: The US election
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Re: Re: The US election
By: jimmylogan to Rob Swindell on Thu Nov 07 2024 06:59 pm
> RS> It`s not a child. It`s an embryo or at most, a fetus: not a soul that`s
> RS> going to go to heaven and live with Jesus or angels if it`s aborted.
> RS> It`s a bunch of cells with the *potential* to be a human, that`s it.
> RS> Your smegma also has the potential to be be human: should we "defend"
> RS> that potential life by passing/enforcing laws that prevent your blowing
> RS> your load unless it is to make another (presumably God-fearing) human?
> How do you define embryo or fetus?
I`m fine with the standard definition used by biologists.
> I say it`s a stage of development. You
> are also a bunch of cells. What stage of development are you?
I`m an adult.
> Embryo, fetus, something else, baby, toddler, pre-teen, teen, adolescent,
> adult, elderly - they describe development, but they all have one thing
> in common. They are human beings.
> If an embryo or fetus is not a human being, then what is it?
It`s a human embryo or fetus. These are kind of elementary
questions you`re asking.
> RS> I think we collectively make humans at a fast enough rate already, we
> RS> don`t need superstition-based laws insuring we make more unwanted/loved
> RS> ones.
> Then why not start killing off the excess after birth too?
Why change the subject? We`re talking about abortion of embryos or
fetuses, not born-live human babies.
> RS> An aborted embryo or fetus makes the uterus available for the creation
> RS> of another, more planned/wanted/loved child. What`s more important: 1.
> RS> an unwanted embryo/fetus 2. a wanted child?
> You have a baby and find out it is autistic and probably will never talk.
> What`s more important, keeping that unwanted child or tossing it aside
> and trying again?
You want to kill learning disabled children? You`re sick.
> RS> The wanted child is less likely to steal your car, rape your wife or
> RS> shoot up your schools. Let`s have more of those children and fewer of
> RS> the kind you want to "defend" through laws. --
> Couple of things - superstition based laws - so I take it you don`t believe
> that we are created in the image of God?
No, there is no god, yours or any other religion`s: Gods are
constructions of human imagination, not unlike the gods of Greek mythology or any
other discarded belief system. I expect this will be offensive to you
(and possibly other believers), but you since you asked, there it is.
> What do you believe? Random chance and evolution?
I believe that more than some old man in the clouds that judges
us and controls our fate and some fantasy afterlife.
> That leads to the answer of the `wanted` child and society, so answer that
> one first please.
It seems you want to change the subject or topic. You said you
voted for an immoral disgusting narcisist to lead our country because he`s
promised that he`ll continue to strip the rights of women to control their
own reprodutive organs, justified by the teachings of Jesus? That seems
like a sick hypocrisy. But you do you.
digital man (rob)
Sling Blade quote #16:
Karl Childers (to Doyle, re: lawn mower blade): I aim to kill you with it. Mmm.
Norco, CA WX: 54.1°F, 23.0% humidity, 0 mph ENE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
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