Nп/п : 94 из 100
 От   : Sean Rima                           2:263/1.1         25 авг 24 12:20:32
 К    : All                                                   25 авг 24 14:38:02
 Тема : auto clean tmpin folder
@MSGID: 2:263/1.1 66cb1380
@TZUTC: 0100
@CHRS: CP437
 I am finding that when htick tries to find the file_id.diz file
that it leaves all the unzipped files in the tmpin folder. 

 Is there a way to stop this. Brain dead at the moment. Or unzip
to another folder to get the file_id.diz file

Sean Rima
There Can Only Be 1
--- AfterShock/Android 1.7.5
 * Origin: Tcob1 (2:263/1.1)
SEEN-BY: 1/120 18/0 50/109 104/117 119 116/116
120/616 123/0 10 25 160 180
SEEN-BY: 123/200 755 3001 135/115 153/757 7715
154/10 30 50 700 218/840 220/6
SEEN-BY: 220/90 221/1 6 360 222/2 226/44 50
240/1120 250/1 263/1 275/1000
SEEN-BY: 280/464 301/1 335/364 341/66 234 452/28
166 460/58 463/68 467/888
SEEN-BY: 712/1321 2320/105 3634/0 12 12 27 57 58
119 5000/111 5001/100
SEEN-BY: 5005/49 5010/352 5015/46 5020/715 828 846
848 1042 4441 12000
SEEN-BY: 5030/49 1081 5053/51 5054/8 5058/104
5061/133 5075/128 5083/444
@PATH: 263/1 222/2 3634/12 154/10 221/6 5020/1042

   GoldED+ VK   │                                                 │   09:55:30    
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