@MSGID: 1:229/664 67265dd7
@REPLY: 2:280/2060 67247e0e
@TZUTC: -0400
@TID: hpt/lnx 1.9 2024-03-02
On Friday November 01 2024, Dennis Slagers said the following...
JH>> You`re welcome to give it a try:
JH>> https://nrbbs.net/pong.pl.txt
DS> Worked wonderful. I have seen the ping and reply from Wilfred
DS> I had to change it very little to have it correctly working on my
DS> system
I hadn`t really looked at this script in awhile & made a couple
of changes. I`m really not sure why I was using "while" to get
$fromzone & $myzone.
I also ran a few things through chatgpt to check my logic and it
noticed my regex for checking $fromzone was inefficient.
You can see the updated version at the URL above.
Main changes are in the "TRACE:" section (lines 47-60) as well as
"Get MSGID for REPLY kludge" (lines 80-83).
... Tolkien is hobbit-forming
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* Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
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