Nп/п : 84 из 100
 От   : Tommi Koivula                       2:221/6           19 авг 24 21:27:47
 К    : Wilfred van Velzen                                    19 авг 24 21:34:02
 Тема : Re: Weekly nodelist report on noteworthy changes (229)
@MSGID: 2:221/6.0 66c38e9c
@REPLY: 2:280/464 66bf403b
@TID: FMail-lnx64
@TZUTC: 0300
@CHRS: UTF-8 4
@NOTE: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64;
rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/115.13.0.
@PID: JamNNTPd/Linux32/IPv6 ubi386 20240505
On 16.08.2024 15:04, Wilfred van Velzen wrote:

> Host 2:291/0 and the 3 other entries have these portnumbers for I flags
> added: IFC:60179,ITN:60177
> I get:
>   Welcome to Radius IP Server
>   Processing mail only - disconnect please
> On both ports. No emsi string.

EMSI works ok there.

 Radius is a funny mailer. I can connect to IFC port and it
negotiates binkp connection. ;)


 * Origin: jamnntpd/lnx (2:221/6.0)
SEEN-BY: 124/5016 153/757 154/30 203/0 221/1 6 360
240/1120 5832 280/464 5003
SEEN-BY: 292/854 8125 301/1 310/31 320/219 341/66
234 396/45 423/81 460/58
SEEN-BY: 467/888 5001/100 5005/49 5015/255 5019/40
5020/400 715 848 1042 4441
SEEN-BY: 5020/12000 5030/49 722 1081 5058/104
5061/133 5075/128
@PATH: 221/6 1 280/464 467/888 5020/1042 4441

   GoldED+ VK   │                                                 │   09:55:30    
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