Nп/п : 22 из 100
От : Aaron Thomas 1:342/201 28 окт 24 21:02:00
К : All 28 окт 24 06:34:01
Тема : My good deed of the day
@MSGID: 1:342/201 7a43f7c1
@TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A49
@TZUTC: -0600
I`m gonna go vote for Trump tomorrow and my plan is to take 3
family members who I know are registered to go with me. Since we all
live in the same county, we can all early vote together at the same
place. If I succeed in this, I will have 4 ballots in the ballot machine
for Trump instead of just 1.
Everyone who is repulsed by things that the Democrats are doing,
please do what I`m doing: make a phone call to the family members and
close friends who you think are registered to vote in your county, and
try to get them in your car to go to the early voting center.
Many counties let you check other peoples` voter registration online,
so you can check your friends before you call them. Lots of people
don`t realize how important this election is, so without your help, they
might not even bother to vote!
If we do everything we can, we`re gonna win it and then we`re
gonna have 4 years of peace in America and abroad, just like we did
from 2016-2020. I love my beaches, and "this is my dirt." We need
America back to the what it was
before so that younger generations can enjoy it.
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