Nп/п : 53 из 100
От : Ron L. 1:120/616 31 окт 24 07:27:38
К : Aaron Thomas 31 окт 24 15:06:02
Тема : Re: My good deed of the d
@MSGID: 1:120/616 4bcbd36c
@TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A47
@TZUTC: -0400
-=> Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
AT> I give Republican candidates the benefit of the doubt, even if it`s a
AT> known RINO. The Democrat party is openly (openly to smart people)
AT> causing a migrant crisis and rapid inflation, and I cannot forgive a
AT> single member of their party for those 2 things.
I think this is what will cause the Democrat party to collapse.
AT> With a house full of GOP majority, the RINOS will have a lot of voters
AT> to lose if they do blantently liberal stuff. I believe that some RINOs
AT> can be rehabilitated while others can be easily singled out and fired.
I don`t have much hope for RINOs. Either they are Democrats who are lying
about their political affiliation, or they are actually Republicans but have
been compromised through blackmail.
In either case, they cannot be trusted and both are threatened by the
elimination of the Deep State.
... Women! Cant live with them, Cant live with them!
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