POLITICS----------------- < Пред. | След. > -- < @ > -- < Сообщ. > -- < Эхи > --
 Nп/п : 69 из 100
 От   : Gregory Deyss                       1:267/150         22 ноя 24 20:46:16
 К    : BjФrn Felten                                          22 ноя 24 16:18:14
 Тема : Re: Warning! COVID is returning!
@MSGID: 1:267/150 0677d1e5
@REPLY: 2:203/2 6740cac4
@TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A48
@TZUTC: -0500
 BF> Oh yes, we all are! Every developed country in the world is living
 BF> with a socialist economy.
So every single one of these websites is wrong? 

The collaborative consensus would suggest otherwise. 
 Other information found on the Internet (within seconds) proves and
shows that everywhere it has been tried it has failed w/ disastrous

You`re so barking up the wrong tree. 

... Still waitng for that Coffee :)

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
 * Origin: Capital Station BBS * Telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org *  (1:267/150)
SEEN-BY: 50/109 103/705 124/5016 153/757 154/10 30
203/0 218/840 220/70 221/0
SEEN-BY: 221/1 6 226/17 240/1120 5832 267/67 118
150 157 159 331 585 800
SEEN-BY: 280/464 5003 5006 292/854 8125 301/1 113
123 310/31 335/364 341/66
SEEN-BY: 341/234 396/45 423/120 460/58 467/888
633/280 712/848 770/1 100 340
SEEN-BY: 772/220 230 5000/111 5005/49 5020/400 715
846 848 1042 4441 12000
SEEN-BY: 5030/49 1081 5061/133 5075/128 5083/444
@PATH: 267/150 800 770/1 280/464 301/1 5020/1042

   GoldED+ VK   │                                                 │   09:55:30    
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