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От : Ron L. 1:120/616 27 ноя 24 07:15:52
К : Aaron Thomas 27 ноя 24 15:33:03
Тема : Re: Pro-China Fake News B
@MSGID: 1:120/616 019ea92b
@TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A47
@TZUTC: -0500
-=> Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
AT> After everything Google did for Biden, this slam on the CCP is awkward.
AT> They like Biden, but they don`t like his party (or at least they want
AT> us to think that they don`t.)
Biden is just a puppet, and Google should be smart enough to understand that.
So I doubt that Google likes Biden.
I think the problem is that Google understands that most people don`t want
Socialism, but they wanted to be one of the "elite" so they allied themselves
with the group trying to get there, only to be exposed.
Now Google has to deal with the backlash and is trying to appear like they are
on our side - but no one is going to believe them.
AT> Our country consists of an intelligent majority. We`ve already learned
AT> not to trust Democrats or the media. Our next lesson (as an intelligent
AT> country) is to not trust Google and other "foundational liars." You and
AT> I are already there, and I`m confident that our intelligent majority is
AT> at least in the process of figuring this out.
More are figuring it out every day. And it was so appearant over the last 4
years that only the most hardcore brainwashed Leftie couldn`t see it.
Now the ones who could see it need to be given the time to work it out and
accept reality. It`s hard, especially for the Ignorant Elitists, to handle the
idea that they were wrong. But, surprisingly, many are coming to grips with
... Please save the above drivel for future reference!
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