Nп/п : 96 из 100
От : Ron L. 1:120/616 28 ноя 24 09:18:17
К : Aaron Thomas 28 ноя 24 18:12:02
Тема : Re: Pro-China Fake News B
@MSGID: 1:120/616 41c28d24
@TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A47
@TZUTC: -0500
-=> Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
AT> In China, the communist government (dictating/ruling party) might not
AT> be what we want here in the USA, but to them they are "conservative"
AT> and they are "the right." I don`t blame them for that. Everyone should
AT> put their own country first. Members of the Chinese govt are nationals,
AT> and they express nationalism.
And that`s the way things were in the U.S. back in the 1940`s. Both major
parties were nationalists. Both were for the U.S. They only differed by how
they wanted to achieve their goals.
But the Democrats were the party of the Liberals and were the easiest party to
subvert by the Elitists.
And, unlike the CCP, the Republicans won`t block the establishment of another,
competing, party.
... Cross river *THEN* insult alligator.
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