@MSGID: 2:5020/181 4943621a
@RFC-Message-ID: 1@mhm.com.lan>
@TZUTC: 0300
[Q]: Где взять Team OS/2 FAQ
[A]: (
The Team OS/2 FAQ version 2.4 has been released.
It is available on the Web from:
A text version (TMFAQ24.ZIP) will be available from:
ftp.leo.org /pub/comp/os2/info
hobbes.nmsu.edu /os2/newsltr
ftp.teamos2.org /pub/info/faq
but I recommend the HTML version, which has live links to useful files etc.
I`ll resume posting the text version to news.answers etc. in the near future.
(This time, I really will, since I seem to have ironed out the glitches
in the FAQ posting software.)
[A]: Alexander Belyaev (2:5035/13.15)
Появилась веpсия 2.4
Ее можно взять на
Текстовая веpсия (TMFAQ24.ZIP) достyпна на
ftp.leo.org /pub/comp/os2/info
hobbes.nmsu.edu /os2/newsltr
ftp.teamos2.org /pub/info/faq
но я pекомендyю HTML- веpсию
Последняя веpсия - 2.41
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